The title for this film, “The High Cost of Low Prices” is just perfect, Illustrating the whole message of this documentary in just a few words. Through this film we are presented with episode after episode of why Wal-Mart is so evil. I personally detest corporations like this one and like to see them not only close their there doors but I would like to see criminal charges brought against them. That said, I don’t think they are the real problem. It is the government, both local and federal who is charged with the responsibilities to protecting the communities from these “free market“economic practices. About a hundred years ago the British were destroying China through the sale of Opium there ruling class, this was fine because the again the “free market“philosophy was being followed. I believe that the backdrop to this movie something even more sinister. I believe that the U.S. can not be attacked efficiently with a traditional military, because let’s face we are the biggest in the world capable of doing a lot of damage to an enemy, so a Trojan horse is needed. Enter corporations like Wal-Mart.
The film itself is well made, especially the use of former Wal-Mart upper level employees to expose the true nature this monster. It is definitely one sided, which I have no problem with. Just pay attention to the sinister music used on the scenes exposing Wal-Mart and the nostalgic music use for the communities and families. I don't believe it should be the duty of any corporation to provide health care, if they want to provide that service, look for work elsewhere. I thought the bunker built be the Walton family was cool, I want one.
The segment exposing the crimes at the Wal-Mart parking lot was lame. This is why we have Sheriff’s departments, if crime is so bad at these parking lots then the city and Sheriff’s department should get involved, providing services and education to the taxpayers. Crimes happen all over the place, if you stop them at Wal-Mart criminals can easily move their operations to another venue. I still hate Wal-Mart. It is the responsibility of the consumer to shop at environments that meet their security needs.
I like the judges being quoted, but they only had three. Not enough.
In the end of the film with a backdrop of new age music we find out that a community can fight back and win against the Evil Giant. The community has the power, if only we can take the duty on. The exception with Inglewood was the progressive congresswomen Maxine Waters who has guts and political influence.
You kind of get off topic but you never really say why you hate Walmart; you just say you hate it. So what is the real reason why you hate walmart??
ReplyDeleteI do go off the cuff.
ReplyDeleteForget the economic devastation they have helped usher into small communities throughout the U.S. and their use of sweatshop labor. My real reason for hating Wal-Mart is they don't have really cool leather jackets, and that's important cause winter in just around the corner.
I think the movie definitely uses certain tactics to make walmart seem super evil. I don't really like the way they go about running their business. I just can't believe the government doesn't step in or intervene. The fact that they don't makes me wonder if walmart is super over stepping it's boundaries.